Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Scary Truth about Olive Oil!!

This is a quick lil post about something that is very concerning to me! "Quality Olive Oils!" I want you guys to be informed! It seems that now a days nothing is what it claims to be so here is some info on what to look out for in olive oils!! And where to find a good quality brand! 

"The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison."~Ann Wigmore.     

"Most of the olive oil found on the shelves of grocery stores is little better than #petrol / lampante —or lamp oil, which means that it should only be legally sold as fuel for burning, not eating. Yuk. Since producing the pure stuff takes time, skill and money — harvesting the ancient olive trees found throughout the Mediterranean is physically demanding and cold-pressing the olives requires the right equipment — olive oil fraud is rampant."

This is an excerpt from a review on this website the-unadulterated-truth-about-olive-oil. He reviewed the book "Extra Virginity: The Sublime And Scandalous World of Olive Oil" By Jon Mueller! 

Here is a website to verify a list of legit olive oils to be using! 

{Helpful Hint} Don't use if the oil is packaged in light glass and/or under $10 don't buy!!! Even if it is sold at your "health food store!" Do your homework!


*****Now Offerring Fall Health Coaching to New Clients!! ******
Contact me here: {714} 931-7661 or via email ... 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How to use Bee Pollen for Allergies

Stop sniffling and sneezing and get rid of your coughing and wheezing!!! 

This little tid "b"it is especially helpful for those poor asthma sufferers!! Read below!!! 

Bee Pollen is "A"mazing! Bee pollen is a superfood and can be used to promote multiple health benefits as well as prevent some nagging "ailments". Bee pollen is full of vitamins A,B,C,D,E,K,Folic acid, calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, protein and amino acids!! It's the "Bee's Knees"!! Be pollen stimulates ovarian function, treats and prevents seasonal allergies, creates metabolic balance for weightloss, prevents premature aging of the cells, prevents acne and is also said to have anti~cancer benefits. 

One of the best things that I have learned about bee pollen is its prophylactic use in treating and preventing seasonal allergies! You see an "allergy" is a result of our body's response to something it has been exposed to. Usually deemed as a foreign invader. The responses vary in degree from mild to severe! This response is how the immune system attempts to remove or marginalize the impact of the foreign body. With allergies the body can develop a chronic histamine response, resulting in inflammation throughout the body's skin, membranes, tissues and other organs. A majority of people suffer from these "seasonal allergies" and would benefit by ingesting bee pollen daily.

I recommend starting with a few granules then building up to a teaspoon or two every day. Ingesting bee pollen in this way works by desensitiing your body to the pollen that travels through the air that causes your body to react. With a small daily dose 6-8 weeks prior to allergy season your body will build up its defenses to fight off the allergens and avoid a reaction in the future season!!

It is best to buy "LOCAL BEE POLLEN" when possible. These local bees will have all of the local pollens that you are ever so sensitive to! But don't fret if you cannot find local. Many bee pollens carry the same innoculations of most pollens we are "allergic" to. 

So dose yourself up some of this bee pollen goodness! Add bee pollen to smoothie and salads! For maximum results place bee pollen under the tongue for a few minutes in the morning. Start small as I mentioned above! 

Xo {Hayley}

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Good mood food!

Good mood food! Oh my gosh all of the health benefits! I like to know the foods that I am eating and how they are Nourishing my body!!  

Dr Andrew Weil just lectured for my school and I love him! Dr. Oz has a good little snippet about the anti-inflammatory diet coined by Dr. Weil a leading Dr in the specialty of Integrative medicine. He believes proper nutrition is the cornerstone to health!

Know what your foods can do for you!! 

*Lamb : Rich in CLA a depression and stress fighter. This meat will help you reduce stress! This is a great website I found about the health benefits of grassfed organic Lamb! Grassfed provides a significant amount of omega 3 content as opposed to conventionally raised! It was stated in the article  that the meat from a grassfed lamb contains 25% more omega 3's when compared to conventional lambs and 49 % more ALA  the basic building block of omega 3........ 
  • "Lamb is a good source of vitamin B12 and also provides important amounts of the B vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, folate, biotin, pantothenic acid, and choline. Vitamins B6, B12, folate, and choline are especially important for healthy metabolism of homocysteine and can help prevent unwanted accumulation of excess homocysteine in the body. High blood levels of homocysteine are a key risk factor for cardiovascular disease." ~Interesting info found on 
*Labelled "A real Super Food" By Dr. Mercola and
*Mood food containing ******serotonin****** a feel good neurotransmitter 
*Vitamin E and healthy good quality fats are amazing for inflammation and more supple looking skin!
*B vitamins 
*Folic Acid great for the mama's!! 

*Sweet Potatoes: Also a *******serotonin******* stimulator!! Sweet potatoes stimulate your brain to produce serotonin a brain chemical that regulates mood as well as appetite and sleep. 

* High in vit b6
*High in vit c
*Vitamin D
*Magnesium the antistress mineral
*amazing fiber content
*Rich in beta carotene
*Great source of manganese a trace mineral
*Rich in vitamin E

*Bananas/plantains: Teeming with tryptophan a building block for the happy hormone you guessed it *****serotonin****** This amazing fruit is also packed with b vitamins to combat stress & potassium which enhances mental alertness this is the perfect pick me up!! 

*Dark chocolate: This "feel good food" can tweak your brain chemistry and biologically revamp your mood!! Dark chocolate (I recommend over 70% cacao to receive maximum health benefits) raises the  brain chemicals phenylethylamine and endorphins that produce a natural euphoria! On top of all of all of that feel good we are able to fight heart disease with its rich antioxidants, phytonutrients and cancer fighting properties!! 

Lamb shanks, sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, avocado cups, salad, lemon cucumbers, honey goat cheese and organic popcorn without that nasty canola oil but instead olive oil! I used more clarified butter over the top and I sprinkled some Himalayan sea salt over the popcorn too!! For dessert we had fried plantains (in coconut oil) with melted cacao, almond butter and honey! We also had almond flakes and coconut flakes on top!! Such a fun night with our friends Tim and Janine celebrating the season opener of the Bachelor last night!!! 

Here's what we made! Everything was gluten free, diary free except we always use butter and goats milk! 

*Organic grass fed, free range antibiotic free, hormone free Lamb slow cooker set up serves four:

First I threw the New Zealand Lamb shanks (Trader Joes) into the slow cooker! 
Next I cut up the organic sweet potatoes into circle cuts. (Trader) Threw those in ( I used 5 sweet potatoes)
Next I cut up a large onion
After that I tossed in a few cloves of garlic chopped and whole
Then I added Himalayan sea salt and pepper 
Turned on low and cooked for 8!hours. Can use high heat for 4 hours! 

The meat was falling off of the bone and we were all drooling!! 

I prepared the rest an hour before they arrived! 


Organic kale and spring mix
1 stalk of hearts of Palm 
5 organic baby tomatoes quartered
1/2 avocado
One organic green apple
Salt and pepper
One large lemon squeezed over the apples and salad ( prevents browning) 
1/4 cup goat feta
Olive oil to taste when ready to serve

Avocado cups:

*Halved avocados
Quartered baby tomatoes
Almond slivers
Chopped Basil from my window garden plant
Tumeric *super food* sprinkled 
Himalayan sea salt
Cracked pepper
Olive oil and vinegar drizzled over top when ready to serve

(To keep the Avos fresh I squeezed a small amt of lemon over each half to prevent browning)!works swell and adds flavor!!

*Goat cheese honey and "Mary's Gone Crackers" I get her crackers at Jimbos here in Encinitas. But I believe Sprouts carries this brand too!! These crackers are all gluten free and a lot of the contain flax and other yummy seeds!! 

*Cucumber lemon pico de gallo!!

One large organic cucumber sliced into circles
1/2 of a lemon squeezed all over cucumbers
Pico de Gallo seasoning.
H. Sea salt

Dessert!! Plaintains with Chocolate almond butter drizzle!! 

2 large plantains cooked till brown in large pan in 3 tablespoons coconut oil
1/2 cup 70% cacao or more (use 1 brick of chocolate) 
2 tablespoons raw or roasted almond butter (trader) 
1-2 tbsps coconut oil
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp raw honey

Be sure to melt together in a small pot on stove or in a small fondue. (Bonus ... My crockpot (I've had for years!!) came with a fondue!!Amazing!!!!!) 

Once plaintains are brown and chocolate is melted, section out your bananas into small bowls for you and your family or guests! 

Get creative and sprinkle whatever you like! I used...

Almond slivers 
coconut flakes
more cinnamon
raw honey drizzle

This was a Crowd pleaser !!!

Xo: {Hayley}

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Urine pH! Can testing your tinkle be a window to your health and cancer prevention?

Test your tink???? Yep! I test my tinkle on occasion! I'll test my second pee to see if my body is alkaline or acidic! The encouragement for me is seeing that green hue after ingesting more alkaline foods! 

Why does this matter??

*In a nutshell CANCER CELLS CANNOT GROW in an alkaline environment!!! An alkaline environment allows for optimal body function. Nutrient absorption is maximized and "bug fighting" is at its prime   during times of alkalinity. Allowing for a higher blood pH prevents mass replication of your cancer cells. Everyone has cancer cells! Our bodies are our temple. Provide your cells with an optimal living environment!! Test your tink! I got my pH strips at Sprouts! Most health food stores carry them! 

Get busy!! Getting alkaline!! 

*Start your day with a large glass of lemon squeezed into water! (Preferably warm) 
*Eat more greens, fruits and veg!!
*Stop eating processed food!!! 

Take a look at your foods and see where they stand! 

Xo {Hayley}

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Easy At Home Coconut Milk Latte!

Well...Happy 2014 to everyone! This New Year's Eve was mellow for us! We went to sushi, I got my new car stereo with Bluetooth installed (I'm a road hazard without it) and we made a delicious pot roast (bone in very nutritious) with broccoli onions and sweet potatoes then fell asleep before 10!! Pretty amazing day ending to a rough 2013 for us!!! 

I wanted to share my at home latte for those of you who only have a coffee pot like me!! If you are like me and don't drink cows milk (unless it's raw & organic) this may change your life! 

It's been such a blessing for me to see the health changes throughout the country! We are becoming more involved in our food supply. Coffee shops are now offering healthy "milk substitutes." My faves are coconut milk and almond milk! You can buy these fantastic lattes and other concoctions with these subs at places like La Costa coffee company and Lofty Coffee Co in Encinitas!! Or save 
$ money $ like me and make some at home!! 

I don't drink coffee often. I stopped in January around the time I started eating meat again. (I will write about why I went from 7 years of veg to meat eater soon!) We went to The Mayan Riviera for our anniversary in October and I couldn't stop the desire for a hot soul soothing cup o'latte!  I usually opt for "coffee like" substitutes such as Teeccino™ Or The Dandy Blend™. Buuuut every now and again I crave that hot cup of energy boosting, heart pattering Java!!!! 

Here are the deets!! 


*Coconut milk (carton or can)
*Stevia drops  (optional natural sweetener) or raw organic honey 
*Coffee, Teeccino (herbs and coffee like flavor) or Dandy Blend (rich flavor like coffee from the root of a dandelion)! (found at sprouts or Jimbos) 
*Small pot for boiling milk on stove


Bring coconut milk and stevia drops (sweeten to taste) to a boil! I like to wait until it almost foams out the top of the pot ;) 

Have coffee ready. Pour the coffee into cup first then strain the milk into cup and pour foam on top! Doesn't foam quite as nice but it tastes fantastic! 


Xo {Hayley}

Monday, December 30, 2013

Why you should be soakin' your NUTZ!

Oh yyyeah! "Soak deez NUTZ!"...for maximum nutrient absorption! 😳 For those of you that know me will get a kick out of me trying to put a naughty/dirty spin on the topic...but the rest you may think I'm a kook!! Oh your attention anyway! See what I've discovered and why we looove to "soak our nuts!" Take a gander geese!!👇

*Benefits of Soaking Nuts & Seeds
  • Remove or reduce phytic acid
  • Remove or reduce tannins
  • Neutralize the enzyme inhibitors
  • Encourage the production of beneficial enzymes
  • Increase the amounts of vitamins, especially B vitamins
  • Break down gluten (grains) and make digestion easier
  • Make the proteins more readily available for absorption
  • Prevent mineral deficiencies and bone loss
  • Help neutralize toxins in the colon and keep the colon clean
  • Soaking nuts increases the protein consumption and decreases the fat absorption which actually lowers the calorie content a bit! 
  • Allows for soft nuts 😉 that will easily blend and milk if you are attempting to strain !! Eg; almond&cashew milks! 
  • Be sure to rinse twice before consumption to rinse off the extra phytic acid 
{Hey meet the "Fockers" this puts a whole new spin on "You can pretty much milk anything with teets!" Doesn't it!?! Lol!! What about nut milking?!?}

Types & Times~

Almonds: overnight or between 8 to 12 hours
Brazil nuts: do not need soaking
Cashews: do not need soaking but required for some recipes: minimum 1 for pieces, 3- 6 hours for whole kernels
Flax seeds: do not need soaking, but increase fiber when soaked (up to 8 hours)
Hazelnuts: do not need soaking, but will soften up after 8 hours
Macadamia Nuts: do not need soaking, but soften up after 6 hours
Pecans: 4-6 hours
Pine nuts: do not need soaking
Pili nuts: do not need soaking, 3 hours soaking allow their skin to come off and blend up like a creamer.
Pistachios: do not need soaking
Pumpkin Seeds: 3-8 hours (but may not need soaking for consumption, the sources are not clear)
Sesame Seeds: 8 hours
Sunflower Seeds: 2 hours
Walnuts: 4-6 hours

Did you know that soaking nuts and seeds have enormous benefits for your health? Nuts are not only an excellent source of protein but they are also packed full of nutrients and heart healthy monounsaturated fats that our bodies need!!!!!

One of nature’s super foods, certain varieties of raw nuts are high in vitamin E, folic acid, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc, to name just a few!!!!!!  Nuts are also packed with protein and extremely portable. They are a staple energy food that humans have relied on for thousands of years.

So what is the point of soaking nuts and seeds? Well, nature intended the nut and seed to be protected by enzyme inhibitors phytates (phytic acid), polyphenols (tannins), and goitrogens until perfect growing conditions were met. For example, when there is enough rain and sun, this sets the stage for the nut/seed to come alive. When we soak our nuts/seeds overnight, we mimic nature.👍

What’s the problem with enzyme inhibitors?

They clog, warp or denature an active site of an enzyme. They may also bind to the enzyme, which will prevent the intended molecule from binding. This is bad news for your digestion, 😩 especially if you continually eat unsoaked nuts, seeds (or grains). When you soak and release these inhibitors, the metabolic enzymes can then help every biological process the body goes through – meaning, digestion is assisted because you are literally eating the enzyme that is going to help you digest your food.

What about phytic acid?

All grains contain phytic acid in the outer layer or bran which can block absorption of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc in the intestinal tract and block their absorption. This explains why a diet high in unfermented whole grains may lead to serious mineral deficiencies and bone loss. The modern misguided practice of consuming large amounts of unprocessed bran often improves colon transit time at first but may lead to irritable bowel syndrome and, in the long term, many other adverse effects. So get your NUTZ (and seeds) "F.N." soakin!! 


Sunday, December 29, 2013

Vitamin D! The sun☀️hormone!

Did you know that Vitamin D is a hormone secreted by your body when exposed to sunlight?! Did you know that th darker your skin the less vitamin d you are able to absorb?!