Saturday, January 4, 2014

Urine pH! Can testing your tinkle be a window to your health and cancer prevention?

Test your tink???? Yep! I test my tinkle on occasion! I'll test my second pee to see if my body is alkaline or acidic! The encouragement for me is seeing that green hue after ingesting more alkaline foods! 

Why does this matter??

*In a nutshell CANCER CELLS CANNOT GROW in an alkaline environment!!! An alkaline environment allows for optimal body function. Nutrient absorption is maximized and "bug fighting" is at its prime   during times of alkalinity. Allowing for a higher blood pH prevents mass replication of your cancer cells. Everyone has cancer cells! Our bodies are our temple. Provide your cells with an optimal living environment!! Test your tink! I got my pH strips at Sprouts! Most health food stores carry them! 

Get busy!! Getting alkaline!! 

*Start your day with a large glass of lemon squeezed into water! (Preferably warm) 
*Eat more greens, fruits and veg!!
*Stop eating processed food!!! 

Take a look at your foods and see where they stand! 

Xo {Hayley}

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